This weekend is the one scheduled for the floor surfacing. This has quite a saga attached to it. We were originally quoted $6000 for the job, by a Robe bloke. This came down to $1200 plus shipping to get a 3-phase machine down from Adelaide. After some calls we located a small business in the Mount which let us have a 240v machine for four days, $300 plus shipping $100. Amazing! So that’s what has happened and Gary has been doing the machine (which he loves, and is now looking to buy the model himself) for the last couple of days. It’s a single pass but with a diamond disc set at an angle to take a fair bit off. It’s come out very nicely, with the aggregate making a nice pattern, and will now be sealed.
We dug the trench for the water line from the bore up to the tank: it was connected but needed to be buried so a tractor, for example, could drive over it.
And, of course, there is always this: Lesley and Bertram (Bertie)–Pat said he had an ‘honest head’–right. . .!