Lesley’s table and northern entrance

Another day, another installation! Here is the table Lesley has been saving up for at ‘Matildas’, in Robe, finally taken possession of and moved out to the house by trailer (very slowly!). It is rather lovely, isn’t it–fits the space nicely and makes up the northern entrance. I think she has always known what this should look like and bit by bit its been put in place–from the doors and window on. The print is a beautiful Japanese work that came from my mother–might have been made for this position. If you click on the images you can see the detail.

Lesley’s cabinets and rocks

A much-anticipated installation–finally some storage! We found a young cabinet maker, Tim, new in town, and thought we should give him a shot at it. He did a fine job–highly competent, meticulous. It works quite well in the room, too, giving the bedrooms more privacy and framing the northern entrance. More to come, I understand. . .keeps life interesting!


While this was going on Lesley was out washing her rocks–really!–it’s the Japanese garden aesthetic. Then the shellgrit will be put around them–as also around the house and on the car park–my exercise for the next week or so. Joey assisted.

movement at the station!

Some action out here with Adam on the excavator–levelling around the house read for the shellgrit base (on two sides) and the pavers. He also made a level pad down the slope for the cars. Took a while–would have taken quite a while with a shovel and wheelbarrow–maybe a year. . .

Also had a truckload of shellgrit delivered for the base–that I will be shovelling, but should be fine. . .