Lesley’s cabinets and rocks

A much-anticipated installation–finally some storage! We found a young cabinet maker, Tim, new in town, and thought we should give him a shot at it. He did a fine job–highly competent, meticulous. It works quite well in the room, too, giving the bedrooms more privacy and framing the northern entrance. More to come, I understand. . .keeps life interesting!


While this was going on Lesley was out washing her rocks–really!–it’s the Japanese garden aesthetic. Then the shellgrit will be put around them–as also around the house and on the car park–my exercise for the next week or so. Joey assisted.

4 thoughts on “Lesley’s cabinets and rocks”

    1. There will be native shrubs around the Vastu–particularly ones that have nice smelling flowers, of which there are many locally. I think the idea is to put shellgrit–a local gravel, which has sand mixed in it, and also fossils in the limestone–between the rocks–definitely a Japanese aesthetic! The snakes should enjoy it. . .But I’m just guessing, it’s interesting to see what turns up!

  1. NIcely done. And the whole interior of the house looks inviting and comfortable: a home.

    1. Yes, it’s made quite a difference, in organising the interior space of the house, as much as providing storage. When you have a compact living room, like this, a reasonably large construction has an impact–in this case an entirely positive one.

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