Tank foundation–now for a tank!

Bit of drama on the land with the concrete truck!  We had made a track through the trees, with the idea that it would come up the more gradual slope to the house site then across through the trees–but it turned out it was too much of a slope for the concrete truck. So then the woman truck driver (from Lucindale, runs the business there with her husband and shares the delivery work, having raised two children, pretty impressive) backed the truck (10 tonnes, mind) up behind the shed and revved it up the hill towards the site!–but it was still short of the site when the wheels started spinning. So she braked there and Gary called Jim the plumber who eventually brought out his bobcat out and they bucketed the concrete out onto the slab.  Interesting, got done in the end! The base of a 7000 gall concrete tank–which now will be built by hand.

2 thoughts on “Tank foundation–now for a tank!”

  1. “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral”.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    ps I imagine that also applies to internal images of cottages………and tanks.

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