Infrastructure getting there

I’ve been away in Adelaide, and there have been some good developments. The septic system is installed (no pic necessary) and the trenching from the tank site to the house site is in, with the pipes.  Clearing on house site itself has begun (if you click on the pic you will see the big Boobialla bush which has been pushed out of the way–regrettable, but necessary, and it is all over the block.  The tank netting is being completed today, locked down with fastenings and made ready for the rendering.

Planning for the first action on the house site has begun! The level datum is in place ready for levelling (which won’t take much, the soil being so light–really just flattening it out). Then comes the surveying–which we are going to do with a new app (of course) which gives you true north, cross-checked with a traditional sun-dial method.  Gary and I have complete confidence in this extremely innovative and precise method, which you mark out with a stick in the sand, and may well patent it. And with luck it will save us a few thousand dollars.

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